EVADA Successfully Concludes Midyear Meeting 2023: A Review of Achievements and Future Endeavors


Shenzhen, July 2023 – EVADA successfully hosted its much-anticipated Mid-Year Marketing Analysis Conference on July 15th and 16th at the EVADA Shenzhen Research Center. This landmark event witnessed the convergence of EVADA's top executives, business unit leaders, subsidiary heads, and esteemed sales representatives to review the momentous accomplishments of the first half of 2023 and strategize for an even more triumphant second half.


High Frequency UPS

EVADA Midyear Meeting 2023


Capturing Market Opportunities Amidst Challenges


The conference opened with a captivating address from Mr. Wang Yongjun, the esteemed President of EVADA. In his speech, Mr. Wang lauded the unwavering commitment of EVADA's sales team in navigating challenges posed by market dynamics, such as softening demands. The strategic resilience exhibited by the sales force to explore new avenues of growth, capitalize on digitalization, data analytics, and renewable energy opportunities was acknowledged with great appreciation.


"2023 marks the genesis of the 'EVADA Dream', and we have crystalized our strategic roadmap for the next five years," declared Mr. Wang. He encouraged all EVADA personnel to embrace the five core values of "Fast, Daring, Practical, Active, and Resolute," These guiding principles, combined with an unwavering commitment to innovation and execution, will undoubtedly propel EVADA towards a promising future.


Industrial UPS

President Wang Yongjun delivers the speech


Empowering Departments, Achieving Collective Success


Throughout the conference, each business unit presented comprehensive reports highlighting their achievements and unveiled their ambitious goals for the remainder of the year. With a sharp focus on quantitative metrics, these presentations provided invaluable insights into the organization's strengths, identified areas for improvement, and set the course for accomplishing annual targets.


Learning from Excellence: Invigorating Insights from Esteemed Guest Speaker


To instill the spirit of continuous learning, EVADA graciously invited Mr. Chen Hangbin, a distinguished core agent, to share his exceptional sales expertise. Attendees gained actionable knowledge across four dimensions - "Prospecting Potential Clients, Mastering Visitation and Follow-up Techniques, Nurturing Customer Relationships, and Effective Sales Strategies." The session proved immensely beneficial, as EVADA's talented salesforce imbibed the wealth of practical insights.


An Optimistic Outlook for the Future


In closing, EVADA's Vice Presidents, Mr. Huang Jinguo and Mr. Chen Wendin, delivered compelling summaries. Mr. Huang emphasized the significance of staying abreast with contemporary trends, while Mr. Chen underscored the pivotal role of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence Graphics Cards (AIGC), High-Performance Computing (HPC), and digital twins in EVADA's journey towards breakthroughs in intelligent product development.


Embracing the Future: Unveiling EVADA's Powerful Research Center


The conference concluded with an enriching tour of EVADA's Shenzhen Research Center, where participants experienced firsthand EVADA's powerful research capabilities and cutting-edge innovations.


Modular UPS


Director of Research and Development Center, Liang Keyu, introduces the product


EVADA remains steadfast in its pursuit of market opportunities, internal cohesion, and external collaboration, and forges strategic alliances to create greater value for customers and partners alike. As EVADA embarks on its ambitious journey, the momentum from the Mid-Year Meeting is set to drive the company towards a transformative future.


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